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Balancing Conditioner

Here you can find the conditioner to retain normal hair. These conditioners remove effects of chemicals in hair care products and normalise them back to their original state. A balanced pH conditioner with provitamins seals the cuticle to detangle and enhance color and highlights. Another nourishing conditioner is Formulated with natural Phyto Extracts which promotes longer, stronger hair. We also sell a reconstructor for damaged hair to Improves hair condition and restores porosit. If you frequently use hair relaxers then this herbal Detox conditioner is the best shine conditioner.conditioning spray and Luminous Conditioning Sheen Spray work efficiently to regain pH balance of your hair cuticles. African balancing conditioner is also available to reduce itch and flakes while soothing and balancing the scalp. We have best neutralizing solution to lock curls into the desired patterns while providing sheen.

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